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American Church Supply
41W699 Foxtail Circle
St. Charles IL 60175
To place an order we need the following:
- Your billing information
- Fabric choice
- Trim choice
- Measurement info, including
height, neck, waist and chest
- Any special options included
on the measurement chart
- Cross/emblem choice
(or we can select for you)
You may call or email to place the order. We will email an invoice for the order with the shipping added.
There is no place on this website to order.
We will email the invoice with the tracking number when the order is being shipped.
Our terms are 50% deposit and payment after delivery.
We suggest making your payments by check. It will not delay the order.
Checks should be mailed to the above address.
We also accept credit cards with a 5% fee added due to the percentage that we must pay.
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